Tuesday, September 4, 2012

3 Way Runoff for Mayorial Election between Moore, Mayor Gates, and Mighty Joe Young.
All is Well in Auburn too, but maybe not in Selma.


  1. 2 Way Runoff in Leeds.

    And yes, all is well in Auburn too.

  2. They ain't got storm drains in Selma?

  3. I am from Selma and they have storm drains, just no one to clean them out.

  4. No one to clean them out? What's the unemployment rate in Selma? There's plenty of able-bodied people to clean them out, no one wants to clean them out.

  5. I just heard on the radio that 6 people were caught fraudin the unemployment check folks. I don't know if that meant only 6 people were caught or there are only 6 people in the whole state defraudin. My guess is that the number of defrauders is a little higher than 6.

  6. "defraud" That word doesn't make sense. It sounds like it should mean they are getting rid of fraud. Maybe that's what they meant. There's only 6 people trying to do unemployment right.

  7. Norm, why should they work when they sit at home and receive a check.

    Art, were you one of those 6?

  8. Nope. I'm a workin man and I can't get nowhere today nor do I have the time to play.

  9. Art, I find your "substance" to be lacking. Step up your game slacker!

  10. This is lame. Where's the hard hitting stories.

  11. hey I can't help that there's not much substance worth printin around here. When I get some I'll let you know.

  12. Are you nuts?! I mean, Mayberry was small but they found a story to tell every evening. What's your excuse?

  13. I bet you're the "Howard" of Linden or whatever spot in the road you call home.

  14. nope. you have me confused with Ebro again. I have proof I've had relations with a woman. I'm probably closer to being one of the more rambunctious Darling Boys.

  15. Checkin in on the Mayberry barbershop....how's everyone? Floyd you need to sweep up around here a bit.
